Finance & Town Hall Committee Meeting - 15.10.24
Minutes of the Finance & Town Hall Committee held on
15th October 2024 at 12pm at the Town Hall, Chapel-en-le-Frith
Present: Cllrs M Chantler, J Perkins, S Young (Chair)
In Attendance: Ms G Turner, Locum Clerk
25/245 Apologies – Councillor Williams was not present at the meeting.
25/246 Declarations of Interests - None.
25/247 It was resolved under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1 to exclude members of the press and public to agenda items 7, 8, 9 & 10 on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
25/248 Public Speaking There were no members of the public present at the meeting.
25/249 Minutes of previous meeting It was resolved that the minutes of the Committee’s meeting of 5th July 2024 be approved as a true and accurate record.
25/250 To consider draft agreements between the Parish Council and the Royal British Legion and Carnival Committee Councillor Perkins informed Members that sufficient Marshalls for the Remembrance Day Parade had been found. It was resolved that formal agreements needs to be put in place stating that the Parish Council will be responsible for arranging the road closures but that the Royal British Legion and the Carnival Committee are responsible for ensuring that sufficient Marshalls are available for the events to go ahead.
Action: Ast Clerk by Monday 21st October
25/251 Leisure Centre Working Group It was noted that the Leisure Centre Working Group has not yet met with the Leisure Centre to discuss what arrangements/if any will be put in place once the current agreement ends in 2026. It was agreed that the Parish Council needs to see Leisure Centre accounts for at least the last 5 years prior to a meeting being arranged. This matter should be an agenda item for the Full Council’s consideration in February.
Action: Ast Clerk
25/252 To consider the library rent/lease It was agreed to leave this in abeyance until after the County Council elections in May 2025. However, it will remain on the agenda in case of any updates.
It was also agreed that the Parish Council will engage the services of a contract specialist if or when a new lease is drawn up.
25/253 To consider the Bowling Club Rent It was proposed that due to the increasing costs involved in the maintenance of the Bowling Club, to increase the annual rent for 2024 by 12%. All agreed.
It was proposed that the Parish Council will need to agree with the Bowling Club who is responsible for each of the maintenance tasks. Any tasks that Parish Council staff undertake on behalf of the Bowling Club will then from 1st April 2025 be recharged to them at the appropriate hourly rate, in addition to the annual rent. All agreed.
It was also agreed that the Parish Council needs to understand what equipment/ machinery (such as mowers, scarifiers, sprayers etc) is used by the Bowling Club, who owns it and how it is insured.
It was resolved that a meeting between the Finance & Town Hall Committee and representatives from the Bowling Club should be arranged to discuss the above, for the first week in November.
25/254 To consider 47/49 Market Street rent It was agreed to keep the monthly rents at their current levels while an independent valuation is obtained. It was proposed that the Parish Council should abide strictly to the guidance of the independent valuer when preparing the new contracts. All agreed.
25/255 To consider a date for the next meeting It was agreed that the next meeting will be held immediately following the meeting with the Bowling Club.
The meeting closed at 1.45pm.