Finance & Town Hall Committee Meeting - 17th December 2024
Meeting of the Finance & Town Hall Committee
17th December 2024
at the Town Hall, Chapel-en-le-Frith
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To make any Declarations of Interest re items on the agenda
3. . 'To determine which items, if any, from the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Parish Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: “to consider a resolution under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act 1960) s1 to exclude members of the press and public in order to discuss item number ...”
4. Public speaking: Up to 10 minutes will be made available for members of the public to raise matters relevant to the business of this Committee
5. To approve the minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 15th October 2024
6. To consider the 2025/26 budget
7. To consider the terms of reference for the Committee
8. To consider bowling club maintenance recharge
9. To consider a date for the next meeting